Tuesday, February 19, 2013


The sometimes sad/ironic/cliche/ridiculous/silly/obnoxious/playful reality of the art world. Brought to you by Portlandia.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Foucault, speaking on my behalf...

in regards to why I am tattooed with "plaisir" and "pouvoir": 

Why has sexuality been so widely discussed, and what has been said about it? What were the effects of power generated by what was said? What are the links between these discourses, these effects of power, and the pleasures that were invested by them? What knowledge (savoir) was formed as a result of this linkage? The object, in short, is to define the regime of power-knowledge-pleasure that sustains the discourse on human sexuality in our part of the world.

Merci, Monsieur Foucault.

Bonobo : Cirrus

Relaxing tunes and amazingly done video.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The latest film from South Korean director Park Chan-wook ("The Vengeance Trilogy"). Looks intensely awesome.